Year 6 SATs 2021 Revision Guides
Key Stage 2

Year 6 SATs 2021 Revision Guides – The Top 8 Guides That UK Parents Choose

Year 6 SATs 2021 revision guides are pivotal in helping to support your child in preparing for the Year 6 SATs.

But how do you go about choosing the right one for your child? Everything your child has accomplished at primary school has been leading up to this moment.

Achieving a scaled score of 100+ is a sure sign your child is at the expected academic level. It’s also important in securing a successful transition to secondary school. This is because the grades your child achieves in their Year 6 KS2 SATs often dictates the ability level (or set) your child is placed in.

With that said, the Department for Education has announced a few changes to the upcoming SATs in 2021. Primarily to ease the stress for the children. It has now been confirmed the grammar, punctuation, and spelling test (GPS) will be cancelled. Furthermore, teachers will not carry out assessments in science.

This is a relief to many parents, however other assessments will go ahead with the timetable extended by a week, until 26 May 2021. We will update this as new information becomes available.

As you help your child prepare a revision timetable for subjects such as maths, you can take some of the pressure off by using a revision guide. Not only are they great resources in helping your child, but they will also help you better understand what your child understands and what they need to improve on. With many primary schools across the country experiencing a delay to the start of the spring term, these types of resources are more valuable than ever,

What will be included in the Year 6 SATs 2021?

The information we have from the Department for Education is that all assessments for Key Stage 2 SATs will be going ahead except GPS and Science. This will be commencing on the 10th of May 2021 until the 25th of May 2021

There is no information on how it will be set or how it will be administered.

The following timetable should give you an idea on how this will work

Usually, the SATs timetable runs as follows:


English GPS Paper 1: questions (NOT ADMINISTERED IN 2021)

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling (NOT ADMINISTERED IN 2021)


English reading


Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning


Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

Please note: To reflect the disruption to children’s learning, primary school performance data, including Key Stage 2 SATs results, will not be published in 2021.

How to choose a study book to help your child with their Year 6 SATs 2021 revision?

Most of the work during Key Stage 2 SATs will be covered in class however, parents do need to play a role in helping pupils prepare for the tests. There are plenty of different ways to help your child including using revision guides.

Revision guides are books which include everything students need to learn to prepare for their upcoming assessments. As the format of SATs has changed since 2016 these revision guides reflect the new curriculum and style of testing. Hence, they are really useful for your children.

Nevertheless, it can be overwhelming when trying to help your year six child revision guide books that will not only help them but also interact with them. There are hundreds of books around and as a busy parent, it may not be the best use of your time to sit and just search. So we have done that for you! You can thank us after your child passes!

Year 6 SATs 2021 top 8 revision guides:

Help Your Kids With SATS: The Best Preparation for SATS Success by Carol Vorderman:

This guide is useful as it includes practical advice on how to cope with the pressure of exams. There are tips included for giving reassuring support and an appealing visual guide to help your children’s anxieties. The reason we have included this as one of our top guides as it helps you recognise your children’s learning style and find which methods work best. This book includes:

  • Practical activities
  • What test papers involve
  • Supports the National Curriculum in Reading, Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation and Maths

CGP KS2 Maths SATS Revision Book – Ages 10-11 (for the 2021 tests)

CGP books are the UK number one most popular educational books available.  This specific Key Stage 2 revision guide is excellent to help your child with maths. It contains everything your child needs to know. This is including:

  • Colourful study notes
  • Step by Step Worked Examples
  • Practice questions to test pupils understanding (with answers in the back)

Junior Maths: Book 1 (So You Really Want to Learn) by David Hilliard

As parents we would like to have some idea on how maths is taught in class, methods are changing every day. It can be a bit confusing for the child when each person is teaching them something different. This is why we recommend this book. This book includes:

  • Exercises to reinforce learning
  • The new numeracy framework to ensure pupils are learning the most up to date material
  • It combines the traditional standard method with the mental approach to challenge all abilities and satisfy all needs

Progress with Oxford: Times Tables Age 7-8 Book by Kate Robinson

Timetables are important for the progression of Key Stage 2, which is why we have included this book. This book makes the timetables fun to learn for children. This includes:

  • Colourful stickers as incentives
  • 3,4, and 8 times table is covers
  • Boxes, tips and advice
  • A lively character to accompany your child

Bond SATs Skills: Arithmetic Workbook: 8-9 years

In Key Stage 2 SATS, there are specific demands that are required by the national curriculum. This book has been developed to help children under that demand. However, this is just one of an extensive series. Hence, you will need to look out for more. This book includes:

  • Helpful hints
  • Practice questions with answers
  • Mathematical number, measure, geometry and statistics skills are central to the National Curriculum for maths

KS2 Reading SATs Question Book: Collins KS2 Revision and Practice

Key Stage 2 English reading will still be on the SATs for 2021 even if GPS has been cancelled which is why this is an important book to have during revision. This uses realistic SATs questions to help children prepare. This book includes:

  • A variety of reading texts (such as fiction, non-fiction and poetry)
  • Progress tests
  • Answers and marking schemes

CGP KS2 Maths SATS Revision Question Cards (for the 2021 tests)

This is perfect to help with your child’s revision by CGP. As said before CGP offers the most popular revision guides in the UK. This will not only help your child but it will be interactive and fun for them to learn important skills. This includes:

  • 60 cards of fun informal questions
  • Covers all Key Stage 2 Maths SATs topics
  • Helpful Notes


This book allows children to use different approaches to prepare and revise for success at the Key Stage 2 SATs. This book includes:

  • Free audio
  • Hands-on activities
  • Key Stage 2 questions

On a final note, while revision guides are a great resource for any assessment at primary school, do keep in mind that there are tons of excellent resources that can boost your child’s chances of academic success in Year 6. In a year where children are at a significant disadvantage in fulfilling education milestones, consider using tuition, extra resources from school, and online activities that will all contribute to your child’s progress at school and beyond.

Use CODE:  247HYP7In5 to redeem £12.00 off Think Academy’s January 2021 maths courses! Enter your code at the checkout here! Give your child a confidence boost in maths and help them to prepare for the 11+ exam, SATs, or simply catch up and make progress in maths!

Perfect for Covid catch-up, KS2 SATs or 11 Plus exam preparation, Think Academy is offering affordable online maths tuition for children at £6.00 (KS1) or £8.00 (KS2) per class. New classes are available for January 2021. Easy-to-use, minimal supervision required.

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The Reception Baseline Assessment Explained

Year 4 Times Tables Test: What you Need to Know for 2021

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