Year 6 maths toolkit for 2021
Key Stage 2, Free Learning Resources, Remote Learning

Year 6 Maths – Resources to Help Your Child in 2021

Update: January 17th, 2021. – Please note that primary school SATs are cancelled for 2021.

Year 6 maths is high on the agenda during your child’s final year of primary school. This year is a significant year for your child, it marks the transition between primary school and secondary school.

Your child’s teacher will be working to ensure that your child understands the number system and place value. Everything your child does in Year 6 maths will be working towards preparing for the KS2 SATs.

Due to the pandemic, the SATs were cancelled this year. Nevertheless, your child still needs to be prepared. That’s why here at Think Academy we’ve prepared the ultimate home learning toolkit to support your child with Year 6 maths. We will focus on how you can help and what materials you need to do so.

This article is part of our ‘Covid catch-up’ series, designed for parents to help their child catch-up and progress in maths with tons of tips and resources after months of lost learning.

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What will my child learn in Year 6 maths?

Throughout Year 6 maths pupils will be developing their ability to solve problems using both written and mental methods of calculation. Algebra will also be the main topic this year as pupils will need to be learning algebraic equations to solve a variety of problems.

Furthermore, Geometry is a key subject in Year 6 maths as pupils will have to learn how to classify shapes with complex properties. This will include learning the necessary vocabulary.

By the end of Year 6 maths, all pupils will be fluent in written methods. This is the main idea here as your child should be able to read, spell and pronounce mathematical vocabulary. Additionally, pupils are required to work with fractions, decimals, long division and multiplication and percentages.

When reading this, it may seem really overwhelming, however, bear in mind that this will be learnt throughout the year.

As a parent, you can support your child by helping them practice at home. You will also be supported by your child’s school and teacher, where they will be providing materials and advice throughout the year.

Year 6 SATs maths papers

Year 6 children sit three maths SATs papers. Here, we’ll explain what papers they’re required to take, the topics covered in the papers and ways you can help your child revise at home.

What are the Year 6 maths SATs papers?

The Year 6 maths SATs will include sectioned into three different parts, this will highlight the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Pupils will be given time to complete each paper.

Paper 1 – Arithmetic (30 minutes)

This Year 6 maths paper will be the first and is worth 40 marks. It will include questions that allow the pupils to use the maths skills acquired during their time in class. This will include topics such as

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Percentages
  • Fraction
  • Decimals

You should bear in mind that this paper will only involve number problems. It will be free from context. Most of these questions are worth one mark each, however, those with longer multiplication and division questions can be worth two marks.

Paper 2 – Reasoning (40 minutes) and Paper 3 – Reasoning (40 minutes)

Each of these Year 6 maths SATs papers are worth 35 marks each. These differ from the arithmetic paper as pupils will be expected to answer problem-solving questions.

Furthermore, the papers will vary in topics similar to the arithmetic paper. It requires pupils to solve problems using:

  • Addition and subtraction
  • Commutative, associative, distributive and all four operations
  • Fractions and decimals
  • Percentages
  • Money, length, mass/weight, capacity, or volume
  • Data

Are games helpful for Year 6 maths revision?

Revision for your Year 6 child is essential; however, some children may find it difficult to just constantly take information in. This can result in them becoming distracting. Revision games are extremely helpful in this case as it creates a better environment for your child. Research has shown several case studies that learning works best through play.

Top Free games websites for Year 6 maths revision

Maths Frame

Interactive games for your little one to understand what can be difficult in plain teaching. Simply choose a topic and start learning – it’s that simple!

Top Marks

This website is excellent in helping you prepare for your child’s Key Stage 2 SATs as they include games that are time-limited. Your child will learn to solve the questions as quickly as possible.

BBC Bitesize

This website is excellent in helping your child revise with ease. It includes several games all of which are interactive

ICT Games

 This is a great website if your child is struggling a bit as the website allows you to match their ability. It is interactive and super helpful for children to learn remotely!

Are Year 6 maths worksheets helpful for revision?

Worksheets are especially important this year, as it will give your child the opportunity to learn independently at home without their teacher’s help.  It is a really great way to help children to get plenty of important practice in the build-up to their assessments.

Worksheets at home especially at this stage and given the current situation is highly recommended even by teachers and schools.

At Think Academy, we have compiled free KS2 SATs papers for you to download and print for your child! You can access them here.

Year 6 KS2 SATs:  free SATs papers 2019

  1. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
  2. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 2 (Reasoning)
  3. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 3 (Reasoning)

Year 6 KS2 SATs:  free SATs papers 2018

  1. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
  2. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 2 (Reasoning)
  3. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 3 (Reasoning)

Year 6 KS2 SATs:  free SATs papers 2017

  1. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
  2. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 2 (Reasoning)
  3. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 3 (Reasoning)

Year 6 KS2 SATs:  free SATs papers 2016

  1. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
  2. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 2 (Reasoning)
  3. Free SATs paper – KS2 maths – Paper 3 (Reasoning)

Perfect for Covid catch-up, KS1 & KS2 SATs or 11 Plus exam preparation, Think Academy is offering affordable online maths tuition for children at £8.00 per class. New classes are available for January 2021. Easy-to-use, minimal supervision required. Free 1-hour taster sessions are also available.

Read more:

Do I Need a Tutor to Pass the 11+ Exam?

30 Fun Maths Games to Help Kids Learn Maths for Free!

Top 50 Home Learning Resources for UK Primary School Maths

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