Year 5 maths worksheets to help children at home
Key Stage 2, Free Learning Resources, Remote Learning

Year 5 Maths Worksheets, Games and Learning Resources to Help Study at Home

Year 5 maths worksheets and learning resources are key to helping your child as they begin consolidating all that they’ve learnt in Year 3 and 4. This is a big step for your child. For many children, starting Year 5 is when they will begin preparing for the 11+ exam.

There’s also a stronger focus on preparing for the Year 6 SATs. Above all, they’re starting to learn independently in preparation for the transition to secondary school.

So as a parent, how can you help? Below is a guide for parents with all the resources you need to ensure you can support your child outside of the classroom. This article is part of Think Academy UK’s Covid catch-up series, designed for parents to help their child catch-up and progress in maths with tons of tips and resources after months of lost learning.

Year 5 maths: What will my child learn about?

Year 5 maths will involve a review of some of the topics covered in Year 4 maths class. However, your child will also be introduced to new topics.

These will include practising their mental arithmetic skills in preparation for the KS2 SATs, and written calculation methods. The written calculation method is more commonly known as ‘showing the method of working-out’ – important in gaining extra marks in exams!  Your child will also practise solving problems using the operations.

Additionally, your child will be focusing on how to calculate perimeters and areas, whilst also drawing and measuring angles. They will also be learning how to convert between units of time and learn some imperial measures.

Long multiplication and short division will also be a part of the curriculum, as they start to learn how to multiply fractions and learn more about decimals. This will be a core learning in Year 5 maths class. This can all be easily practised at home, with worksheets, activities, and a bit of encouragement!

A closer look at the Year 5 maths curriculum

You’ll have gathered by now that in Year 5 maths there’s a lot to cover! To make your job even more difficult, the way your child is learning to problem-solve will be different from the methods you were taught in school. So, is it possible to help them? Thanks to Think Academy – yes, it is!

Number and place value

In Year 5 your child will be expected to read, write, order, and compare numbers up to 1,000,000. They will also need to recognise the place value of each digit.

Addition and subtraction

Year 5 maths covers how to solve addition and subtraction problems with up to four digits.

Multiplication and division

Year 5 maths is when your child is first introduced to long multiplication and short division. They will also be expected to know how to divide four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers and interpreting remainders.

Fractions, decimals, and percentages

Year 5 Maths is especially important for fractions as your child will be expected to find fractions of numbers and quantities.


Solving problems about shapes is key in Year 5, your child will be expected to use their knowledge of geometric properties to help them.


Learning how to convert between metric units of measurements and solving problems involving decimal measurement, money and time will be the main subject in this topic.


By the end of Year 5, your child will be expected to successfully interpret and present data in a range of ways.

Are games helpful for Year 5 maths pupils?

Games can be helpful for Year 5 pupils as they help to engage the learner. It helps simplify various topics for the pupil, which ultimately helps to test maths ability.

Top free games for Year 5 maths

Maths Frame

Use interactive games that your child can easily understand. This can be useful as an alternative way of explaining something if your child cannot fully understand the teacher.

Oxford Owl

We have repeated this a couple of times, however, it is a teacher’s favourite and of course ours. It has all levels, with really fun games to play!

Top Marks

This website is simple and user-friendly. Minimal supervision required (although we always believe in closely monitoring your child’s internet use. It has both English and maths subjects to choose from and a range of levels.

Primary Games Arena

This website includes various options and game types. What is great about this one is that it will gives you reviews from previous users, so you can better find the perfect game for your child!


This is an excellent way for students to learn their multiplication in an easy and accessible way. There are various games included all of which are interactive.

Are Year 5 maths worksheets helpful?

Year 5 may not have SATS or tests, however, supporting them during this time can help you prepare them for next year’s SATS. They will already be expected to draw on what they have previously learned during their time in primary school.

Giving them the time to prepare earlier allows them to become confident enough with the various topics they will be given. These worksheets will help them to see how maths fits into everyday life.

Of course, similarly to games, this can be hard and overwhelming to find hence why Think Academy has made an easy access way of finding them.

Top Free Year 5 maths printable worksheets


This is recommended by schools themselves, with teachers using them in their lessons. There are various worksheets for the topics that are required.

Ed Place

This website has a variety of worksheets created by teachers, they not only have various class groups but also various levels. They have put in mind for children who are struggling to keep up.


This website has a variety of Maths topics to choose from for all levels. This also includes ‘booster’ worksheets to give that extra help.

Additional resources:

There are plenty of resources around the web to aid your child with Year 5 maths including here at Think Academy.

Perfect for Covid catch-up, KS1 & KS2 SATs or 11 Plus exam preparation, Think Academy is offering affordable online maths tuition for children at £6.00 per class (Year 1 & 2) and £8.00 per class (Years 3 – 6). New classes are available for January 2021. Easy-to-use, minimal supervision required. Free 1-hour taster sessions are also available.

Read more:

30 Fun Maths Games to Help Kids Learn Maths for Free!

Top 50 Home Learning Resources for UK Primary School Maths

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