Year 2 maths worksheets and resources
Key Stage 1, Free Learning Resources, Remote Learning

Year 2 Maths Worksheets and Games – How to Keep up the Learning at Home

Year 2 maths aims to help your child develop a clear understanding of the Key Stage 1 curriculum, as it will come to an end. Your Year 2 child will be facing the Key Stage 1 SATs, marking the end of the junior part of their primary school journey.

By the end of this year, your child will have the confidence to work with whole numbers, counting and place value. However, your child may not be at that stage and will need extra help. There are many cases where children can be advanced in some areas and lack in others.

Think Academy has created a toolkit for you and your child. This article is part of our Covid catch-up series, designed for parents to help their child catch-up and progress in maths with tons of tips and resources after months of lost learning.

What will my child learn in Year 2 maths?

By the end of Key Stage 1, your child will need to understand number bonds to 20 and have a clear understanding of mathematical vocabulary. The focus will be on whole numbers, counting and place value. This includes numerals, words and the four operations, with of course practical hands-on work.

Throughout this stage, pupils are expected to recognise, describe, draw, compare, and sort different shapes and use the related vocabulary. The vocabulary is especially important as children are expected to both read and spell the specific math terms given to them.

Topics that are covered in Year 2 maths

We have included here topics that will be touched on through this curriculum. It is there for you as a guide to familiarise yourself with what your child is learning.

Number Value

This is one of the main focuses in the key stage one curriculum as children are expected to be able to compare and order numbers from 1 to 100. They will also be able to recognise the place of a two-digit number and solve problems. They additionally will be focusing on math symbols.

Addition and Subtraction

Year 2 maths will be able to use addition and subtraction for numbers 0-20 fluently

Multiplication and Division

By this stage, your child will be able to recognise all math symbols that are associated. They will be covering multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplications.


Through the key stage one, maths pupils will be able to recognise the length, shape, set of object or quantity of ½,¼, 2/4, and ¾. They will also be able to write simple fractions.


Key-stage one will cover both properties of shape and position and direction.


Children will be learning how to measure and use appropriate standard units to estimate length and height in any direction.


Through this topic, pupils will be able to interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and tables.

How useful are Year 2 maths games?

Games are especially helpful here for your Year 2 little one as at this stage as your child may be frustrated with constant studying. Many children will complain, and others will stew in frustration, especially if your child is having difficulty with a specific subject. Your child can play something online or you can try and play together

There are plenty of games online to help your child feel more engaged when learning maths. It is just a matter of finding them. Therefore, we thought it may be useful for you to find them all in one place.

Top free Year 2 SATs revision games

Top Marks

This is a helpful website for your little one to practice for their SATS, while they are having fun. This allows your child to play games and activities all in one place.

Education quizzes

This website includes interactive and fun puzzles. They cover the Year 1 and 2 maths subjects. This is also recommended by schools.

Oxford Owl

This is an amazing website that allows your children to play games and activities in one place. You can choose the subject and the age you need, and then you’re all set.


Your child’s favourite show online! What more could they ask for! This is perfect for Cbeebies fans. It has games and activities around various subjects.


This is also a BBC run website but is a bit more specific in each topic. These topics are those that we spoke of previously. What is great about this is that they specify each key stage your child is on and help with KS1 SATS revision


This website is American based; however, it does cover the subjects that are covered in the UK curriculum. Tap on the topic of your choice and there you will find a page full of games! Your child will be spoilt for choice.

Year 2 Maths worksheets, are they helpful?

This is especially important for your Year 2 little one as they will be needing that extra activity for them to completely understand a subject. They will need to be mastering several skills throughout their time in Year 2. From counting and calculating to telling the time and memorising times tables.

Having that time to go through worksheets and practice worksheets at home will significantly help your little one with preparing for their upcoming SATs.

Of course, similarly to games, this can be hard and overwhelming to find hence why Think Academy has made an easy access way of finding them.

Top Free Year 2 Printable practice worksheets


This website is teacher-approved! With practice worksheets for all Year 2 maths topics.

The mum educates

This website is mum recommended worksheets! This has the advantage that it has been created with parents in mind!

The School Run

This website will give you worksheets and practice worksheets on subjects including maths, English and science. These include various topics. It is a great help.

Perfect for Covid catch-up, KS1 & KS2 SATs or 11 Plus exam preparation, Think Academy is offering affordable online maths tuition for children at £8.00 per class. New classes are available for January 2021. Easy-to-use, minimal supervision required. Free 1-hour taster session also available.

Read more:

30 Fun Maths Games to Help Kids Learn Maths for Free!

Top 50 Home Learning Resources for UK Primary School Maths