Year 4 Maths Worksheets: Discover the Best Games, Puzzles, and Learning Resources
A few months into the new school year and you’re still not sure what’s expected from your child when it comes to Year 4 maths? That’s ok – this parent guide has everything you need to know from topics, free Year 4 maths worksheets, fun and interactive online maths games and more.
This article is part of our ‘Covid catch-up’ series, designed for parents to help their child catch-up and progress in maths with tons of tips and resources after months of lost learning.

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What will my child be learning about in Year 4 maths class?
Much of the Year 4 maths syllabus is focused on mastering the times tables in anticipation of the Year 4 times tables test. But that’s not all your child will be learning about.
One of the core curriculum targets is to ensure that all pupils increase fluency in maths. This means they will have a better understanding of whole numbers and the order of operations, using both to perform more challenging calculations.
Problem-solving is also high on the agenda. Your child will put this skill to practice with simple fractions and questions about decimal place value. You can also expect some lessons to be about measurement, such as measuring properties of shapes and understanding written measurements.
Many parents will also be thinking about preparing their child for the 11+ exam. While the national curriculum does not focus on this, there are effective resources available such as interactive online maths tuition that can support your child.
Year 4 maths topics
Much is covered in Year 4, as set out in England’s national curriculum. Oxford Owl outlines this in detail and you can read it here. However, we have included a simplified version below for a more digestible read:
Number and place value
- Learn to count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25, and 1000.
- Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers.
- Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
- Read roman numerals to 100.
Addition and subtraction
- Adding and taking away numbers up to 4 digits using columnar addition and subtraction.
- Estimate and use inverse operations, while checking the method of working out.
- Two-step problems.
Multiplication and division
- Ability to multiply and divide by numbers up to 12.
- Multiply 3 numbers together using place value, known and derived facts.
- Solve problems involving multiplying and adding and using the distributive law to multiply by 1 or 2 digits and integer scaling problems.
- Recognise families of common equivalent fractions using diagrams.
- Counting up and down in hundreds.
- Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
- Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
Properties of shapes
- Identify and compare geometric shapes based on properties and size.
- Identifying and comparing angles.
- Lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.
Position and direction
- Describing positions on a 2D grid.
- Plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon.
- Converting different units of measurement i.e. kilometre to the metre.
- Measuring the perimeter and finding the area of shapes.
- Use bar charts and time graphs to interpret data.
- Use charts, pictograms, and tables to help problem-solve.
Are there any fun games to help my child with Year 4 maths?
We often suggest maths games as an effective supplement to learning because they are engaging. This helps to stimulate some students whereas in class they might be less engaged or fail to understand the teacher’s preferred method.
Online learning has become increasingly popular over the past year, and there are tons of interactive resources, games, and online courses for your child to enjoy.
Think Academy UK
With online maths courses for primary school children in Years 1-6, Think Academy offers tons of interactive learning opportunities for your child to enjoy.
Learning inside exciting virtual classrooms via an innovative online learning platform, children experience ‘game-based learning. Enjoy thrilling maths challenges with your peers, multiple-choice quizzes and more! Children can also win virtual stickers, encouraging positive attitudes towards maths.
Maths Frame
With a library of interactive maths games designed for students in Key Stage 2, this resource is perfect for Year 4 students. Free to use, the website is regularly updated with the UK’s most popular children’s maths games.
Another free website for you to check out, Topmarks has great games to help your child practise mental maths. With an increased focus on mental arithmetic in Key Stage 2, practising these skills online is an effective way to keep your child engaged while developing maths fluency.
Year 4 maths worksheets – free printables
Now to the good stuff! If you’re looking for some free printable maths worksheets for your Year 4 child, use the links below to start printing!
Worksheets are a great way to continue learning alongside your child’s homework. Some children really enjoy worksheets and almost view them as a competition, challenging themselves to complete as many as they can!
White Rose Maths is known as the primary school teacher’s go-to maths online resource. In fact, many teachers use their resources to plan the lessons that take place at school!
But they now have a section for parents to download free workbooks for their children! Parent and teacher-approved, this is a resource you can trust!
Twinkl has some free resources such as worksheets for parents to download. You can easily download them using the link above without having to pay for them.
Discover home learning packs for children who are living within lockdown restrictions. They have plenty of maths resources available which can be easily used for learning at home with your child. This includes free Year 4 maths worksheets.
Additional Year 4 maths resources
Don’t forget that you can always ask your child’s teacher for a list of teacher-approved resources. It’s likely that these will have already been emailed to you, but schools always have more!
If you’re considering preparing your child for the 11+ exam, or simply need some help with support in maths, you might want to consider using additional help such as a maths tutor.
Read more:
Do I Need a Tutor to Pass the 11+ Exam?

Free Maths Worksheets for Years 1 - 6
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