Choosing a School for Your Child

The Tiffin Girls School 11 Plus Guide

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the Tiffin Girls School 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Tiffin Girls School 11 Plus Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.


Tiffin Girls’ School 11 Plus Exam Introduction

The Tiffin Girls’ School has a long history of offering innovative and modern education for Girls. This is particularly represented in its investment in new and modern facilities like a drama studio and music suite, as well as most recently new science laboratories and a new library. The school prioritises education for girls who live locally and whom they believe will benefit most from a Grammar School education. Their principals centre around academic achievement, social and economic diversity, local inclusion, all whilst maintaining a nationally recognised status. The school is noted as being multicultural and inclusive in nature, welcoming students from a variety of different faiths, backgrounds, cultures, races and beliefs.

Key Facts

Address: Richmond Rd, Kingston upon Thames KT2 5PL

County: Kingston upon Thames, London

Type of School: All Girls Grammar School.

Age of Attendance: 11-18

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (2022)

Number of Pupils: 1190


School Performance – Key Figures at GCSE Results (2022): 

Progress 8 – This score indicates the progress made by pupils at the school between the end of KS2 and the end of KS4. It’s averaged against the pupils across England and based on the results in 8 key qualifications including English, Maths Sciences, Humanities and Languages. Looking at the students’ achievements and progress from the end of primary school and throughout secondary school. This is therefore a useful comparison and can highlight schools in which students show large improvements or alternately in which students seem to underachieve after their time at the school. Out of the 5 degrees, the schools achieving ‘above average’ and ‘well above average’ scores make up just 31% of schools in the UK, the rest being average or below average. The score of 0 represents around the national average grade, hence a score of 1.2 means that students are achieving over a whole grade higher than the national average. With a score of 1 representing one grade higher than the national average.

Attainment 8 score: 85.1 – This score indicates the performance of students in 8 key qualifications – the same as progress 8, comparatively to the other schools in the local authority, then in England on average.

Percentage of pupils achieving grade 5 or above in English and Maths at GCSE: 100%

Percentage of pupils entering English Baccalaureate: 93%


Tiffin Girl’s 11 Plus Exam 2024 Admission Information

The school is selective and therefore all students entering year 7 must pass entrance tests held in the Autumn of year 6 and which their parents must register for during the summer term of year 5. The PAN (published admissions number) for September 2024 is 180. For more information regarding Tiffin Girls’ School click here for their admissions.

The school has a two stage test procedure. The stage one test is considered a ‘sifting test’ and is not, on its own, an application to the school. It consists of multiple choice English and Maths questions and is marked by a computer. Success in this test will then determine an invitation to the Stage Two test. The stage two test will again consist of English and Mathematics questions. Therefore there are 4 key aspects of application to the school;

1. Registering to take the Stage one test which can be done by completing an online SIF (supplementary information form), which must also then be sent as a paper copy to the school – signed and dated and along with a passport size photograph of the girl applying.

2. After sitting the stage one test, the candidate must be invited back to take the stage two test.

3. The school must be named on the candidates local authority application form.

4. The candidate must attend the stage two test.

Catchment Area:

The designated area represents the smaller circle of catchment area and girls living permanently within this area are usually more likely to be considered for a place. The school also has an ‘inner area’ which is somewhat broader and applications will still be considered from applicants living permanently in this zone. However since the designated area was introduced in 2016 all school places have been offered to girls living within it.

The School’s Designated Area comprises the following postal districts:

KT1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19

TW1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

SW13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20

W3, 4, 5, 7, 13



The School’s Inner Area comprises the following electoral wards: Berrylands Beverley Canbury Coombe Hill Coombe Vale Grove Norbiton St Mark’s Tudor Ham, Petersham and Richmond Riverside.

 Tiffin Girls 11 Plus Key Dates for September 2024 Year 7 entry:

11 July 2023 Open Day
5 June 2023 11+ registration opens
4 September 2023 11+ registration closes
5 October 2023 11+ Exam Date 
31 October 2023 Common Application Form (CAF) deadline
1 March 2024National Offer Day 

It should be noted that disadvantaged children do receive priority with the first 60 places at the school being offered to students who score higher than or equal to the 350th highest mark in the stage two test. Disadvantaged children will also be eligible to have a 10% leeway applied to their test marks before the selection criteria have been applied. This is explained further in their admissions policy document available from the admissions website linked above.


How to prepare for The Tiffin Girl’s School 11 Plus Exam: A Guide to Parents

How do you prepare for the Tiffin girls school 11 plus exam? Every parent ensures that their child is using a variety of resources and practise materials that are available on the market. These tools are excellent for practice. However, this is insufficient and does not adequately convey the amount of difficulty that Tiffin Girls School 11 plus exam is anticipating.

Tiffin Girl’s School’s 11 plus exam is based on GL assessment. It has 11 Plus – Stage 1 GL Maths and English, Stage 2 Maths and English school written.

In the exam round one the parts are English, non-verbal reasoning, and verbal reasoning (typically multiple choice). Maths and English in round two (usually includes comprehension or creative writing).

As essential as how much you study for the Tiffin Girl’s 11 plus test is how you study. We created tips on how to study for the 11 plus exam. Here are the Top 10 Tips To Prepare for the 11+ Exam for Tiffin Girl’s School.

Tip 1: Start the preparation early!

Tip 2: Plan and map the knowledge of your child

Tip 3: Test your own expertise in 11 plus

Tip 4: Start working with an 11 plus tuition expert

Tip 5: Make sure your child is familiar with 11 plus GL based mock exams (link)

Tip 6: Reading is a must! Mostly classics

Tip 7: Start doing creative writing

Tip 8: Don’t study for too long or to too late

Tip 9: Make studying fun and interactive

Tip 10: Check The Tiffin Girl’s School’s Website for Information

Tiffin Girl’s School 11 Plus Exam Additional Information


The school’s aim is to help students develop a love of learning through their time studying. In years 7,8,9 the schools teaching closely reflects the national curriculum however with some extra stretching and challenging questions for the girls to really test and expand their abilities and academic achievements. This means that in these years, students study; Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Religious Studies, French, Latin, Design and Technology, Art, Computer Science, Music, Geography, History, PE, Drama, along with one period of PSHE and Citizenship each week. The girls also start studying Spanish from Year 8.

In years 10 and 11 students will take the core GCSE subjects which are; English Language and Literature, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and a Modern Language (Spanish or French), they will also then be able to pick their 3 optional subjects from the others available as above. Along with this they will continue to study one period of PSHE and Citizenship and also Physical Education, both of which will not be examinable subjects at GCSE.

Further breakdown about the individual academic departments and curriculums can be found at this page here;


You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

Best Private Schools in the UK: Top 100 List

Best Grammar Schools in the UK: Top 100 List 

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2022

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam


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