Online maths tutors
Online Maths Tuition

Why Online Maths Tutors are More Popular than Ever?

Online maths tutors and their role within the E-learning sphere has been on everybody’s radar for some time now. Education technology has fuelled online learning resources for children across the globe. In the last decade, children were learning maths on their computers, parents’ mobile phones or family tablets.

However, not so much in the UK. British parents have been slow in warming to this new way of learning in comparison to their American and Asian counterparts. Struggling to see the value of online learning resources coupled with a lingering suspicion of screen time, parents preferred a more traditional approach to extracurricular learning.

Online maths tuition and COVID-19

That was, until 2020. With the Coronavirus lockdown, the nation witnessed the closure of schools and an immediate scramble to minimise the impact of lost learning. According to a recent report from the United Nations, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the largest disruption of education ever, schools were closed in more than 160 countries, affecting over 1 billion students. Time to cue the heroes of the hour – online tutoring services!

When it came to homeschooling in mathematics, online maths tutors have been the bridge to quality education while supporting the resources distributed by schoolteachers. Studies suggest that 5-11-year olds retain 25-60% of their online learning in comparison to just 8-10% in the classroom. The popularity of online maths tuition has so far soared through 2020.

Online maths tutors at Think Academy UK trialled a fun and interactive maths online summer course with the aim of preparing primary school-aged children to transition back to school with an added boost in confidence. More popular than expected, perhaps UK parents are now more open to the benefits of online maths tuition and e-learning resources?

The rise of online maths tutors

Flashback to the early 2000s and I remember preparing for the 11 Plus exam, in the hope of securing a place at a top-performing local grammar school. Every Sunday morning, I joined three other students at a private tutor’s house for a two-hour maths class. Our learning was entirely revolved around a black and white textbook – yes, it was dull. E-learning was not a thing. Digital learning was a one-hour per week ICT class, at best.

How the power of EdTech and online maths tuition help primary school students

Zooming forward almost two decades and the EdTech age is in full swing. Today, UK primary school children have access to a reimagined world of learning. A digital landscape accessed entirely from their fingertips. The maths tutor has also survived the transition into the digital world. Online maths classes are readily available with just a simple Google search. With so many resources to choose from, parents are faced with an almost impossible task of benchmarking their educational value.

“Is my child going to be engaged?”

“Have they retained what they’ve learnt?”

“Are they safe online?”

“Does this resource reflect content from the national curriculum?”

“Am I getting value for money?”

Discover how online maths tutors are supporting primary schools students in maths

With so many questions and so many online maths tutors available, we are all too aware of the challenge parents face in deciphering which course is best for their child. That is why Think Academy UK launched a thoughtfully designed online maths Autumn course and now is offering a free maths class as a taster session for students in Years 1 – 6. During the lesson, parents can more accurately gauge their child’s interaction with the prospective tutor in addition to reviewing the content their child is learning from. There is an opportunity for parents and tutors to meet and discuss what a full-time online maths tutoring course at Think Academy UK would look like for their child, and how they will progress over time. All while taking place from the safety and comfort of home.

It raises the question as to how we might include online maths tuition into children’s wider education? It is perfectly ok to use online tutoring as a support tool to fill the gaps created during the recent closure of schools in the Coronavirus lockdown. More parents are using online tutors as an integral part of their home-schooling routine. While others find that it helps to give their child a competitive edge to score high in their Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 SATs.

Meet some of our top online maths tutors at Think Academy UK

Looking for the perfect tutor to help your child get ahead at maths? Parents and students at Think Academy can choose from a team of verified online maths tutors to help propel their child’s problem-solving and numeracy skills.

Helen Sun

Teaching experience: 3 years tutoring experience in maths (GCSE/A level) with consistent 5-star ratings

Relevant Qualifications: BSc University College London | 3 x A*, 2 x A at A-Level

Course specialisation: geometry, number operations, Year 2 and 3 maths

Discover more about Helen’s KS1 and KS2 online maths classes

Oliver Demeger

Teaching experience: 3 years tutoring experience in Key Stage 2

Relevant Qualifications: BA University of Oxford | 2 x A*, 2 x A at A-Level

Course specialisation: fractions, decimals, percentages, and Year 5 maths

Think Academy’s reigning sudoku champion

Learn more about Oliver’s Year 5 maths class

Is There Any Free Online Tutoring?

Nowadays children can meet their tutors face-to-face thanks to the wonders of EdTech and Think Academy UK’s intuitive online learning platform. All too often, children find themselves inadvertently left behind in their classroom studies as their peers quickly grasp new mathematical concepts and move on. The online maths tutors at Think Academy UK aim to reflect techniques taught in the UK national curriculum in addition to alternative methods of learning. In doing so, children can apply the new techniques they have learnt using new methods they better understand.

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