Choosing a School for Your Child

Newstead Wood 11 Plus

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the Newstead Wood 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Newstead Wood 11 Plus Exam  Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.


Newstead Wood School, Orpington

Newstead Wood School is a girls’ grammar school with academy status in Orpington, Greater London. This page has everything you need to know about Newstead Wood School and can help you get started with the admissions process. You can also find helpful information about the 11 plus exam, such as exam practice resources, information about exam boards and key dates in the calendar.

School details:


Address: Newstead Wood School, Avebury Road, Orpington, London, BR6 9SA

County: Bromley, London

Type of school: Girls’ grammar school, co-educational in the Sixth Form

Age range: 11-18

Ofsted rating: Outstanding

Number of pupils: 1080

Admissions to Year 7: 168 (approx)

Open evening (2024 entry): TBC

11+ exam date (2024 entry): 24th and 25th September 2023

Exam board: GL

Admissions phone number: 01689 853626

Admissions email address: office@newsteadwood.co.uk


Newstead Wood 11 Plus Information and School Information


Newstead Wood School was originally founded in 1957. The school has a reputation for academic excellence; in 2019 it was ranked the third best secondary school in Bromley based on overall performance at GCSE, and Times Parent Power ranked the school’s 2019 GCSE results 11th in the country (they were 15th in 2018 too) and the school overall the 11th best in London. In 2019, 40% of GCSE grades were awarded level 9 (top A*) and 85% were awarded levels 7-9 (old style A* or A). Eleven girls achieved all 9s. At A-Level, 25% of students achieved all A* or A grades and 70% achieved A*-B grades. In terms of student make up, approximately 11% of pupils speak English as a second language, 4% are on free school meals and 6% have some support for special educational needs.


In 2022, In GCSEs 49% of all grades awarded top Grade 9, 93% of grades awarded at Grade 7, 8 and 9, 30% of students gain a minimum of 8 Grade 9. In A levels, 35% of all grades were awarded the top A* grade and 30% of all grades were awarded A grade and an impressive 85% of all grades were awarded at A*-B.

Newstead Wood 11 Plus Admissions Process: 2024 Entry


If you plan on sending your child to Newstead Wood School in September 2024 then it is important to take note of these key dates below, and you can also find key information here. The exact dates are yet to be confirmed.


2 April 2023 – Registration for the entrance exam opens online.


30 June 2023- Deadline for registration. All paperwork must be submitted by 4pm (emails and fax will not be accepted).


September 2023 – Local Authority Common Application Forms (CAF) will open online. This is the form you need to fill out with your list of school preferences for your child, in rank order.


22/23 September 2023 – The 11+ exams take place. Details confirming timings and the test procedure will be sent out in the first week of September.


October 2023 – The results of the tests will be sent out by first class post.


1 March 2024 – National Offer Day: this is when your home local authority will inform you as to whether your child has secured a place. If he or she is unsuccessful, it’s a good idea to inquire about the waiting list, or look into the appeals process, which normally takes place in April, May or June.


Preparing for Newstead Wood 11 Plus Exam

Newstead Wood School is heavily oversubscribed – around 900 girls sit the entrance exam annually and so competition is intense. Girls sit two papers – one in English/Verbal Reasoning and one in Maths/Non-Verbal Reasoning. Both tests are multiple-choice and take between 40 to 50 minutes. As Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning is not taught in school, pupils will need to do a lot of revision outside of lessons in order to become familiar with the question types. This guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning is a good place to start, as well as these Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning practice questions.

The GL website is also very helpful, and gives example papers and answers for all four sections. You can also purchase practice packs through the GL website or through CGP Books – the ‘10 minute tests’ collection is particularly useful for helping students to practice skills in short, manageable chunks without burning out.

As the test is so competitive, with on average only one place for every eight or nine pupils, it’s good to start preparing early. However, if your child is already in Year 5, don’t panic – this guide can also help your child to become 11 Plus exam ready in just under six months, and there are also intensive revision courses on offer for those who need a last-minute boost.


 Newstead Wood School FAQs


What is Newstead Wood School’s admission policy?

You can find the exact details of Newstead Wood School’s admission policy for 2024 here. In the event of oversubscription, priority is given to children with an Educational Health Care Plan, looked after children, children who live within a 9 mile radius of the school, and children whose parents work at the school, in that order.


Does Newstead Wood School have a catchment area?

Technically no, but in reality yes. In the event of oversubscription, students who live within a 9 mile radius of the school are prioritised. Given that there have always been more applicants than places, it is exceptionally rare that a place is offered to someone who lives outside of this radius.


Does Newstead Wood School give allowances for age?

For all tests, the raw results are standardised and age weighted. What this means is that they take into account the age of the child on the day they sit the 11+ and adjust the scores to make it fairer. For example, a child sitting the 11+ who was born on the 1st of September is basically a year older than a child sitting the 11+ who was born on the 31st of August, and therefore will be at an advantage. You can find out more about the process here.


Is there a waiting list?

Yes. A ranked waiting list will be held in the order of the school’s selection criteria. The waiting list will be maintained from March to December 2024, and if the admission number for Year 7 falls below 168, an offer will be made to the next girl on the waiting list. Parents can remove their children’s name from the waiting list at any time.


Does Newstead Wood School have a uniform?

Yes – you can find all the details about the uniform, as well as the contact details of the suppliers, here.

You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

Best Private Schools in the UK: Top 100 List

Best Grammar Schools in the UK: Top 100 List 

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2022

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam


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