Choosing a School for Your Child

Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.


Chelmsford County High School for Girls


Chelmsford County High School for Girls (CCHS) is an all-girls selective grammar school located in Chelmsford, a city in Essex. This page has everything parents need to know about the eligibility criteria and admissions process for 2024 entry. Scroll down to learn more about the school’s details, key dates in this year’s calendar, and guidance on preparing for the school’s 11 plus entrance exam.

School details:


Address: Chelmsford County High School for Girls, Broomfield Road, Chelmsford, CM1 1RW

County: Essex

Type of school: Girls’ Grammar School (Academy Converter)

Age range: 11-18

Ofsted rating: Outstanding (View Report)

Number of pupils: 967 pupils

Admissions to Year 7: 180

Open evening (2024 entry): 30th April 2023 (Virtual Event)

11+ exam date (2024 entry): 11th September 2023

Exam board: CCHS Entrance Test (CEM assessment)

Admissions phone number:  01245 352592

Admissions email address:  office@cchs.essex.sch.uk


A Brief Overview of Chelmsford County High School’s Performance


The school was established in the early 20th century, with just 76 pupils. Last year, the school now has its very first male Headteacher and boasts multiple specialisms, including a Technology college (maths and science) and music! Because of its specialisms, the school has state of the art facilities to complete all of these subject areas.

The table below is from gov.uk, displaying the CCHS pupil performance at GCSE for 2018/19 (please note that this is the most recent government data available). Parents should note how much better the school performs at GCSE than other schools in its local authority and nationally.


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Progress 8 score: 0.8: this means that, on average, pupils are likely to achieve almost a whole grade higher than expected based on predictions made from primary school attainment data. For instance, if based on your child’s KS2 SATs results, they were predicted a ‘B’ in GCSE maths, they are more likely to achieve an ‘A’ at this school.

Attainment 8 score: 80.1: Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications.


CCHS Sixth Form pupils also perform well, with grade ‘A’ the average grade for all Year 13 pupils. In 2019, 22% of all grades awarded were ‘A*’ and 35% ‘A’. This is significantly better than its local authority and indeed the national average of ‘C’.


In 2022, at GCSEs 139 students achieved eight or more 9-7 grades, with 116 students achieving ten or more 9-7 grades. Moreover, 69 students achieved ten 9-8 grades.

In 2022 A levels, 4 students achieved three or more A*-A grades, with 34 students securing four or more A*-A grades. Indeed, 22 students achieved A* grades in all of the subjects that they studied.


Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus Admissions Process: 2024 Entry

As mentioned, the school is selective, and a successful application for admission will involve your child passing the school’s 11 plus entrance exam. It’s important to note that while the school is located in Essex, it’s not part of the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE). Instead, like many grammar schools across England, the school follows the common admissions test, which for CCHS is known as the CCHS Entrance Test. There’s lots for parents to do to get prepared, and we strongly recommend referring to the admissions table below for more information.


Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus Admissions Procedure Table


The exact dates are yet to be confirmed.


Wednesday 26 April 2023

Online registration will open for Chelmsford County High School for Girls Entrance Test for entry to Year 7th September 2023 entry http://www.cchs.co.uk/admission-to-year-7- September-2024/ Virtual Open Event available for prospective families and students to view on the school website www.cchs.co.uk/admissions

Friday 23 June 2023

Final deadline to register for the Entrance Test.

August 2023

A letter is posted to parents advising them of the arrangements for the day and a registration card to be completed and returned on the test day.

Friday 22 September 2023

Entrance Test – Chelmsford County High School for Girls *Subject to DFE and Public Health England guidance and restrictions in place.

Mid-October 2023

Results of Year 7 11+ Entrance Test posted to parents.

October 2023

The formal/published closing date for the Common Application Form (CAF) to child’s home local authority for 2024 entry. (you do not need to submit another copy of the SIF to the Admissions Office).

1 March 2024

National Offer Day for Local Authorities to send out secondary school offers to parents.


For more information, please refer to CCHS’ 2024 Admissions Policy. You can also learn more about the test here.


Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus Exam


Most candidates for the 2024 entry will already be getting prepared. Parents usually decide to start preparing their child for the 11 plus exam in Year 4. However, if you are reading this and have not yet started preparing, it is not too late. With the exam several months away, you might like to read this Six Month Countdown to the 11 Plus Exam, packed with tips for parents to help their child be exam ready.


As mentioned above, Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus, known as the CCHS Entrance Test, provided by CEM. For more information about the CEM Assessment, click here. The CCHS Entrance test has two papers, and each paper takes one hour to complete. Each of the papers assesses the candidate’s ability in verbal, non-verbal and numerical reasoning. Candidates are required to show competency in all these skills. Please note that the questions are not expected to be more challenging than those candidates are already familiar with from key stage 2 English and maths. Both tests are equally weighted, and a combined score will be used as the total. Results from all of the schools following the common entrance exam format are then standardised before a pass mark is decided and results are finalised.

Chelmsford Country Girls 11 Plus Exam Sample Test Papers and Resources


11 plus practise papers are a highly effective way to help students prepare for the 11 plus exam. Many exam boards release familiarisation papers that can be downloaded online for free. Visit the CEM website for the latest familiarisation papers and other resources.


Scroll down for free 11 plus preparation resources and sample papers that you can download and print for free.


Free CEM assessment English and verbal reasoning papers:

Practice Paper 1

Practice Paper 1 Answers

Practice Paper 2 With Answers


Free CEM assessment non-verbal reasoning papers:

Practice Paper 1

Practice Paper 1 Answers

Practice Paper 2

Practice Paper 2 Answers


Free CEM assessment general papers:

Practice Paper 1

Practice Paper 2

Practice Paper 3

Practice Paper 4

Practice Paper 5


Visit 11 Plus Exam Practice Papers and Resources for more information and valuable tools to help candidates prepare.


Additional Information about Chelmsford County High School for Girls


The school offers tons of extracurricular activities to support pupils bond with their peers outside of the classroom. When it comes to sport, CCHS describes itself as having “an outstanding sporting tradition”, with girls competing both locally and nationally in athletics, netball, cross-country, and swimming. However, there are training for a variety of both competitive and non-competitive sports, the latter including aerobics, dance, and yoga.

Girls can also choose from a wide range of societies to help them further explore their hobbies and personal interests. For example, animal loves can join the vet society and wizarding fans can join the Harry Potter club! Full a full list of the societies available, click here.


What is the School’s Ofsted rating?

The school’s current Ofsted rating is ‘Outstanding’. You can access the full report here.


CHHS fees:

This school is a selective grammar school and is non-fee paying.


Where is the catchment area for CCHS

In the event of oversubscription, and after 30 places have been awarded to candidates in receipt of a pupil premium, 144 places will be awarded to those “applicants living at a permanent home address within the 12.5-mile priority area of the school. The offer of a place is conditional upon the applicant being continuously resident within the priority area (at their permanent home address) between 1st September of Year 6 and the start of Year 7 at CCHS.”

What score do 11+ candidates need to achieve to receive an offer for admission?

This varies from year to year, and the school itself will not know the cut-off scores for next year until all results are in and the scores standardised.


What if too many candidates apply?

In this instance, the oversubscription criteria will apply. Please refer to the 2024 Admissions Policy. 


What is the CCHS appeals process?

If your daughter is not offered a place at the school, you will be notified of your right to appeal. The following is taken from the school’s 2024 Admissions Policy on recent experience of appeals. “Out of the 1141 girls who sat the selection test in 2019, for entry in September 2020, 693 indicated Chelmsford County High School for Girls as a preference. Five appeals against refusal of admission to Year 7 were heard by the Statutory Appeals Panel of the Local Authority, of which none were successful. Appeals are considered on the merits of each individual case and any particular year’s experience is not necessarily a guide to likely success.”


CCHS uniform

You can learn more about the school uniform here.

Where can I view GCSE and A-LEVEL results in further detail?

The school’s website has information on Year 11 and Year 13 exam results, available here.

You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

Our Free 11+ Mock Exams!

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

Best Private Schools in the UK: Top 100 in 2022 

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2021

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam

Cranbrook School 11 Plus Exam

King Edward Five Ways 11 Plus Exam

Newstead Wood 11 Plus Exam


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