Choosing a School for Your Child

Aylesbury Grammar 11 Plus

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the Aylesbury Grammar 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Aylesbury Grammar 11 Plus Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.


Aylesbury Grammar School, Buckinghamshire


Aylesbury Grammar School is a boys’ grammar school in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England. It is an average size secondary school which used to have specialisms in Science and Technology. This page has everything you need to know about Aylesbury Grammar School and can help you get started with the admissions process. You can also find helpful information about the 11 plus exam, such as exam practice resources, information about exam boards and key dates in the calendar.


School details:


Address: Aylesbury Grammar School, WAlton Road, Aylesbury, HP21 7RP

County: Buckinghamshire

Type of school: Boys’ grammar school

Age range: 11-18

Ofsted rating: Outstanding

Number of pupils: 1307

Admissions to Year 7: 186

Open evening (2024 entry): 11 July 2023

11+ exam date (2024 entry): 14 September 2023

Exam board: The Secondary Transfer Test (GL Assessment)

Admissions phone number: 01296 484545

Admissions email address: office@ags.bucks.sch.uk


A Brief Overview of Aylesbury Grammar School and its Performance


The school has a rich history: Aylesbury Grammar School was originally established in 1598 and it has been on its Walton Road site for over 100 years. In 2011 the school became an academy and in 2014 Mark Sturgeon became the new Headmaster. In terms of student make up, approximately 18% of pupils speak English as a second language, 5% are on free school meals and 5% have some support for special educational needs.

The school’s results are very good: in 2019, 100% of students achieved 5 or more GCSES at grades 9-4 (A*-C), 78% of students achieved 5 or more GCSES at grades 9-7 (A*/A) and 41% of all entries were graded 9-8 (compared to the national average of 11.2%). At A-level 49% of entries were graded A* or A, and over a quarter of the year gained at least 3 A grades, with 41 students gaining all A* and A grades. The school’s Progress 8 scores are in the top 14% of schools in England and the school has a reputation for excellent university admissions: in 2019, 63% of students went on to attend Russell Group universities, and 77% went to their first choice destination.

In 2022, 100% of students achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grades 9 – 4, 84% of students achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grades 9 – 7, 59% of all entries were graded 9-8 (the National average was 16%). In A levels, 97 students (around a half of the year) gained at least 3 A grades with 71 students gaining all A* and A grades. 31% of all entries were graded A* (the national average was 14.6%). 59% of all entries were graded A* or A (the national average was 36.4%)


Aylesbury Grammar 11 Plus Admissions Process: 2024 Entry


Below you can find the key dates in the calendar for the Aylesbury Grammar 11 Plus 2024 entry. Please note that if your child already attends a Buckinghamshire primary school (excluding independent schools), they will automatically be registered for the 11 plus exam. Parents should contact the school for details on opting out. You can also find more information in their Admissions Policy for 2024.


The Secondary Transfer Test is made up of two 60 minute exams. The first is an English paper which involves comprehension, grammar and Verbal Reasoning questions; the second is a Maths paper which also involves Non-Verbal and Spatial Reasoning questions. Each paper is weighted 50/50; however, the sections are not. The first paper accounts for 50% of the marks, while the second paper is split non-verbal 25% and mathematics 25%. You can find a familiarisation booklet, with guidance on how to answer the different types of questions, here, and there is also plenty of detailed information on the Buckinghamshire Council website.


While much of the test is like KS2 Maths and English questions that candidates are familiar with from school, Verbal and Non-Verbal reasoning may be new and this may be where your child should start with revision. This helpful 11 Plus Exam Guide to the Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests can help you to better understand how to prepare your child for these elements of The Secondary Transfer Test, and it’s also worth checking out the GL Assessment page, which has lots of handy free resources.


The test is competitive, but there are also 13 grammar schools to choose from in Buckinghamshire, which works in students’ favour. In general around 30% of students who sit the Secondary Transfer Test qualify for a grammar school place each year, with around a further 5% qualifying after a successful Appeal or Review. You can find the allocation profiles for all the grammar schools in Buckinghamshire here, which explains how priority has previously been allocated to previous students, which may help you in deciding which school to put as your first choice.


As the exam is scheduled for mid-September, your son should already be getting prepared. However, if they have not started preparing yet, it is not too late. Discover Help your Child Become 11 Plus-Ready in the Six-Month Countdown to the exam for support in approaching exam readiness and preparation, and for parents who are unsure where to begin, you might like to check out this Top 10 Tips to Pass the 11+ Exam guide.

Aylesbury Grammar 11 Plus Timeline

5 May 2023 Registration for testing opens 
16 June 2023Closing date for registration
14 September 2023Exam Date
31 October 2023Common Application Form (CAF) Deadline
National Offer DayFriday 1 March 2024

Aylesbury Grammar 11 Plus Sample Test Papers and Resources


There are past papers available online, but it’s important to remember that it does vary slightly from year to year in order to make it harder for students to prepare. As the Secondary Transfer Test uses the GL exam board there are lots of resources and past papers available online; you can find a selection of these below.




11+ English Multiple Choice Book 1 | Answer 1


11+ English GL Familiarisation Paper | Answers




11+ Maths Multiple Choice Book 1 Answer Sheet 1


11+ Maths Multiple Choice Book 2 | Answer Sheet 2


11+ Maths GL Familiarisation Paper | Answers


Verbal Reasoning


11+ Verbal Reasoning Multiple Choice Book 1 | Answer Sheet 1


11+ Verbal Reasoning Multiple Choice Book 2 | Answer Sheet 2


Non-Verbal Reasoning


11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning Multiple Choice Book 1 | Answer Sheet 1


11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning Multiple Choice Book 2 | Answer Sheet 2


It may well also be worth investing in CGP Study Books for the GL Assessment; they have everything from question cards, practice papers, 10 minute tests and online editions which can help to make revision as fun and stress-free as possible.

Additional Information about Aylesbury Grammar School


You can find out about the school’s enrichment programme, including trips, extra-curricular activities and Duke of Edinburgh, here; some highlights include German, French and Spanish exchanges, a ski trip to Boston, and a Classics trip to Greece. The school is also known for its sport provision, and was ranked third in England for state school sport by the School Sports Magazine. Their sporting achievements were also recognised by a Sportsmark Award and the school can also boast being the 2019 National Under 15 Handball Champions, Under 18 Buckinghamshire Football Champions, and Under 14 Buckinghamshire Rugby Champions. The facilities at the school are generally good, and the school is also currently fundraising £450,000 in order to refurbish its art, design and engineering department building.

Aylesbury Grammar School FAQs


What is Aylesbury Grammar School’s Ofsted rating?

Aylesbury Grammar School’s Ofsted rating is ‘Outstanding’. You can find all the previous reports and ratings here.


Does Aylesbury Grammar School have a catchment area?

Yes, the school does have a catchment area. You can find a map of the catchment area here, and further information, including a postcode checker, here.


What is the pass mark for the Secondary Transfer Test?

This can vary slightly year on year, but students normally need a score of 121 or more to automatically qualify for a grammar school place in Buckinghamshire.


What happens if Aylesbury Grammar School is oversubscribed?

In the event that more boys pass the entrance exams than there are places, then priority will be given to looked after children, children on Pupil Premium, children with a brother already at the school, children with health needs and children who live within the catchment area area. You can find more information in their Admissions Policy.


Does Aylesbury Grammar School have a uniform?

Yes, the school does have a uniform – you can find out details, and contact details of the suppliers, here.

Does Aylesbury Grammar School have a House system?

Yes – each boy from Year 7 to Year 13 is allocated a House and this creates the tutor group that they will be a part of. The school says that the House system ‘creates a sense of camaraderie and competition and provides opportunities for mentoring. You can find details about all the Houses and the current House standings here.

You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

Our Free 11+ Mock Exams!

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

Best Private Schools in the UK: Top 100 in 2022 

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2021

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam

Cranbrook School 11 Plus Exam

King Edward Five Ways 11 Plus Exam

Newstead Wood 11 Plus Exam


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