Choosing a School for Your Child

Woodford County 11 Plus Guide

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the Woodford County 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Woodford County 11 Plus Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.

Woodford County High School


School Introduction

Woodford County High School takes pride in its sense of community, vibrant, purposeful and friendly atmosphere which cultivates strong relationships. They particularly mention their regular events and shows, many of which the girls at the school play a role in organising. This allows the students from all year groups to work together and build relationships outside of their age brackets. The school focuses on developing the skills both academically and mentally for the girls to take on whatever challenges the future holds. The school building started as an elegant manor house from the Georgian era, and has grown around this, keeping in-tact these old and distinctive surroundings.


Key Facts

Address: High Rd, Woodford Green, Woodford, Woodford Green IG8 9LA

County: Redbridge

Type of School: Girls Grammar School and Sixth Form.

Age of Attendance: 11-18

Ofsted Rating: Outstanding (2009)

Number of Pupils: 1154

School Performance – Key Figures at GCSE Results (2019):

Progress 8 – This score indicates the progress made by pupils at the school between the end of KS2 and the end of KS4. It’s averaged against the pupils across England and based on the results in 8 key qualifications including English, Maths Sciences, Humanities and Languages. Looking at the students achievements and progress from the end of primary school and throughout secondary school. This is therefore a useful comparison and can highlight schools in which students show large improvements or alternately in which students seem to underachieve after their time at the school. Out of the 5 degrees, the schools achieving ‘above average’ and ‘well above average’ scores make up just 31% of schools in the UK, the rest being average or below average. The score of 0 represents around the national average grade, hence a score of 1.17 means that students are achieving above a whole grade higher than the national average. With a score of 1 representing one grade higher than national average.

Attainment 8 score: 78.8 – This score indicates the performance of students in 8 key qualifications – the same as progress 8, comparatively to the other schools in the local authority, then in England on average.


In 2022 GCSEs Grade 9 is the highest GCSE grade allocated, reserved for the very best performances.  At Woodford this year no fewer than 44% of entries achieved this accolade, with 87% in the 9 – 7 range (equivalent to the old A* – A).  10 students achieved straight 9s and 50 students achieved a complete suite of 8s & 9s. In A Levels 78% of entries were graded in the top range:  A* to B with 20% achieving the top A* grade designed to recognise the highest levels of achievement.  56 students achieved 3 or more A* or A grades and 11 achieved straight A*s.


Woodford County 11 Plus Admission Information


The school being a grammar school, it has a selective admissions procedure, with places being offered on the basis of results in the Woodford County 11 Plus. Students who live within the Common Catchment area will be given priority in receiving places. Going into Year 7 there are 180 places available. Generally the academic standard of pupils applying to the school is very high, so it is advised to make sure your child has strong ability in order to take the tests.  The school is often oversubscribed so good performance on the test cannot always guarantee entry.  For the admissions process, you firstly must register the candidate online to take the test. They will then take the test and the 180 candidates with the highest scores, who have also put the school as FIRST CHOICE on their local authority school choices form, and are within the catchment area will be offered a place. There is a basic passmark for the test which is set at 104, students who achieve lower than this on the test will not be considered for admission but will be added to the waiting list.


Woodford County 11 Plus Key Admissions Dates – for 2024 entry

11 May 2023Live Open Evening
1 May 202311+ registration opens
30 June 202311+ registration closes
15 September 2023 11+ Exam Date 
31 October 2023 Common Application Form (CAF) deadline
1 March 2024National Offer Day 

Familiarisation Guides for the Woodford County 11 Plus

The school uses the 11 Plus test run by the Redbridge Council.

A familiarisation booklet for the test can be found through this link, and more information is available on the Redbridge Council website.

Woodford County 11 Plus


The curriculum at the school is academic and designed to stimulate and challenge the students. The core curriculum in the early years is designed to be broad allowing students to have good grounding in all significant disciplines as set out by the national curriculum, but also allowing them to explore outside of this so that they can confidently make more specialized choices at A-Level and GCSE.


The school offers three levels of extra-curricular activities these are classed into; academic, enrichment, and sport. Most of these clubs are free to join but one or two include some specific fees where specialised equipment is required. The opportunities at the school at the moment can be found at this link here;


This includes singing, art therapy, dance, classics society, intermediate cooking, and many more.


You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

Our Free 11+ Mock Exams!

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

Best Private Schools in the UK: Top 100 in 2022 

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2023

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam

Cranbrook School 11 Plus Exam

King Edward Five Ways 11 Plus Exam

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