White Rose Maths: 80+ FREE Maths Worksheets for KS1 and KS2 Primary School Students
White Rose Maths is the go-to primary school resource for teachers when it comes to maths. Based in the UK, the team are a group of teachers and maths specialists, dedicated to improving maths teaching in primary and secondary schools. However, did you know that they are a fantastic resource for parents too?
We’ve compiled several learning packs, with 81 maths worksheets for kids in Year 1 to Year 6!
Table of contents
It’s mapped to the UK national curriculum
We recently spoke to Kirsty, a Year 5 primary school teacher from Essex who explained to us that teachers across the UK use White Rose Maths to help them plan their lessons. All the material is designed by experts and trusted by teachers – so parents can trust it too!
This is important when it comes to using free online maths resources. There are tons of resources online, but not all of them will benefit your child just because the are free. Try to find out if it’s from a trusted source. This is how you can establish if it will be of value to your child.
Read more: 12 FREE KS2 SATs Papers – Preparing for Year 6 SATs Revision
How to use maths worksheets to supplement home learning
Whilst we have all been told that it is a national priority to keep schools open, the situation around us is teaching all the time. At a local level, some primary schools have started to send pupils home. Consequently, parents are planning a home learning routine to prevent their kids from falling behind.
Their ‘Parent Workbooks’ are structured in a way that aligns with what KS1 and KS2 pupils in autumn, spring, and summer terms on a week by week basis. Therefore, you can rest assured that this will match what your child is learning at school.
As with all the resources that we recommend, it is suggested that you use this to support your child’s learning profile and not in place of attending school where possible.
White Rose Maths Year 1 curriculum
You will notice from the resources below that Year 1 maths is all about numbers and number theory. The intention is to help kids get to grips with the core Key Stage 1 maths before progressing into Year 2 where they will sit their KS1 SATs.
White Rose Maths: Year 1 worksheets
Here you will find several worksheets aligned with all three school terms.
Year 1 Autumn Term:
– Adding and Subtraction (Within 10)
Year 1 Spring Term:
– Adding and Subtraction (Within 20)
Year 1 Summer Term:
It’s mapped to the UK national curriculum
We recently spoke to Kirsty, a Year 5 primary school teacher from Essex who explained to us that teachers across the UK use White Rose Maths to help them plan their lessons. All the material is designed by experts and trusted by teachers – so parents can trust it too!
This is important when it comes to using free online maths resources. There are tons of resources online, but not all of them will benefit your child just because the are free. Try to find out if it’s from a trusted source. This is how you can establish if it will be of value to your child.
Read more: 12 FREE KS2 SATs Papers – Preparing for Year 6 SATs Revision
How to use maths worksheets to supplement home learning
Whilst we have all been told that it is a national priority to keep schools open, the situation around us is teaching all the time. At a local level, some primary schools have started to send pupils home. Consequently, parents are planning a home learning routine to prevent their kids from falling behind.
Their ‘Parent Workbooks’ are structured in a way that aligns with what KS1 and KS2 pupils in autumn, spring, and summer terms on a week by week basis. Therefore, you can rest assured that this will match what your child is learning at school.
As with all the resources that we recommend, it is suggested that you use this to support your child’s learning profile and not in place of attending school where possible.
White Rose Maths Year 1 curriculum
You will notice from the resources below that Year 1 maths is all about numbers and number theory. The intention is to help kids get to grips with the core Key Stage 1 maths before progressing into Year 2 where they will sit their KS1 SATs.
White Rose Maths: Year 1 worksheets
Here you will find several worksheets aligned with all three school terms.
Year 1 Autumn Term:
– Adding and Subtraction (Within 10)
Year 1 Spring Term:
– Adding and Subtraction (Within 20)
Year 1 Summer Term:
White Rose Maths Year 2 curriculum
As pupils transition into Year 2 their teacher will recap over the fundamental learnings from Year 1 before introducing more challenging topics. This will give them a well-rounded overview of Key Stage 1 maths, preparing them to sit their KS1 SATs test at the end of Year 2.
White Rose Maths: Year 2 worksheets
Below are several maths workbooks that parents and children can use together, closely mapped to the Year 2 maths syllabus.
Year 2 Autumn Term:
Year 2 Spring Term:
Year 2 Summer Term:
White Rose Maths Year 3 curriculum
Once students move to Year 3, they build on the skills learnt from KS1 maths to form a solid base for KS2 maths. Pupils will be introduced to geometry, statistics, and more complex topics that some children may find more challenging.
White Rose Maths: Year 3 worksheets
Here are the worksheets that match the Year 3 maths national curriculum.
Year 3 Autumn Term
– Multiplication and Division (1)
Year 3 Spring Term
– Multiplication and Division (2)
Year 3 Summer Term
White Rose Maths Year 4 curriculum
In Year 4 pupils can expect to be more skilled at mental arithmetic. This is also when they will take the Year 4 Multiplication Check, so it is important they have a good understanding of their times tables. They are also introduced to more complex areas of maths such as geometry, area, statistics, and decimals.
White Rose Maths: Year 4 worksheets
You will notice in the worksheets below that Year 4 maths is slightly more challenging, however this is very much in line with the school syllabus.
Year 4 Autumn Term
Year 4 Spring Term
– Multiplication and Division (A)
– Multiplication and Division (B)
Year 4 Summer Term
White Rose Maths Year 5 curriculum
In Year 5 your child should be confident in four operations, one and two-step problems, further arithmetic, and measurements. They will cover other areas of KS2 maths such as long multiplication and long division in preparation for their Year 6 SATs test.
White Rose Maths: Year 5 worksheets
The Year 5 White Rose Maths worksheets are designed to be more challenging reflecting the level of work that children are being taught in school.
Year 5 Autumn Term
– Multiplication and Division (1)
Year 5 Spring Term
– Multiplication and Division (2)
Year 5 Summer Term
White Rose Maths Year 6 curriculum
Once your child starts Year 6, they will be preparing for their KS2 SATs test. For maths, they will be consolidating everything they have learned over the past couple of years while also being introduced to advanced topics such as algebra.
It will be the aim of the Year 6 teacher to make sure each student is adequately prepared for transition to secondary school. They will also be aiming to prepare each student to achieve a scaled score of at least 100 in their Year 6 SATs.
Read more: SATS 2021: Complete Guide on KS2 SATs and How to Prepare Your Child!
White Rose Maths: Year 6 worksheets
Parents might want to let their children use these worksheets independently to practise maths, as this will help to further prepare them both the KS2 SATs and secondary school study.
Year 6 Autumn Term
Year 6 Spring Term
Year 6 Summer Term
Using an online tutor to help your child excel in maths:
Parents use our online maths tutors as a supplement to the learning that takes place at school. With multiple difficulty levels, all our online maths courses use a state-of-the-art online learning platform pioneering the UK’s first dual-teacher system. This creates a comprehensive, guided-learning experience suitable for every child, enabling them to catch up and make progress in maths.
If this article hasn’t answered all your questions, please get in touch using the comments section below or in our Facebook group UK Primary School Maths – Tutoring & Tips, where we can quickly respond to you.
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Free Maths Worksheets for Years 1 - 6
Download and print our teacher-approved study packs, for free!