Choosing a School for Your Child

Westcliff Girls 11 Plus Guide

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the Westcliff Girls 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Westcliff Girls 11 Plus Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.

Westcliff High School for Girls


Westcliff High School for Girls is a grammar school for girls in Southend, Essex. It has 1050 students across the middle years and sixth form. Westcliff High School for Girls celebrated its centenary in 2019.

The school is an academy, which means it has more power over its curriculum than most schools. It specialises in science and engineering, with a range of equipment and ICT facilities available to students. The school has been granted the status of a National Computing Hub by the National Centre for Computing Education.

Westcliff High School for Girls only accepts girls for Year 7, but has a mixed sixth form. It opened a new wing in 2018, providing facilities for engineering, technology and art.

The school also has a strong extracurricular tradition; drama is a popular activity, and the school does well in school sports competitions. The school has playing fields as well as tennis and netball courts.

School performance

In 2014, Westcliff High School for Girls achieved the second highest GCSE results in the country.

Westcliff High School for Girls has a Progress 8 score of 0.77, meaning that pupils, on average, gain almost a full grade on their performance at the KS2 SATs by the time they sit their GCSEs. The school has an Outstanding Ofsted rating.

At A-level in 2020, the average entry from Westcliff High School for Girls was awarded 45.68 points, while the national average was 34.33.

In 2022 GCSEs The results at the grammar school saw almost every student gaining a good pass (grade 5 or above) and an incredible 81.9% of students achieving the top grades 7-9. For A Level results click here. 


Westfield Girls 11 Plus Admissions Information

Applicants to Westcliff High School for Girls must sit and pass the 11+ exam set by the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex. Parents must start by applying to sit the test by completing the CSSE Supplementary Information Form and submitting it on the website of the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex. Registration opens in May the year before entry, and closes in late June or early July. The 11+ Exam then takes place in September.

Parents will receive their child’s 11+ results in October, after which, if their child has passed, they can add Westcliff High School for Girls on the secondary application school form of their Local Authority. Parents should not apply through Essex County Council unless they live in Essex.

In 2023, Westcliff High School for Girls plans to admit 184 students to Year 7. Generally, more applicants than this number pass the 11+ Exam. Of these applicants, priority is given to those who live in Southend. Children from Southend may be awarded up to 80% of places, meaning only 37 places remain for children who live elsewhere. Parents may, however, apply regardless of where they live. These places are allocated based on the 11+ score. In case two pupils have the same 11+ score priority is given to the pupil who lives closer to the school. Children who do not win a place are automatically placed on a waiting list.


It is also possible to join Westcliff High School for Girls for sixth form. At this age, both girls and boys are admitted. At least 25 places are reserved to sixth form applicants from outside the school, and interested parents should complete the registration form which is available on the school website. The deadline will also be advertised there each year.

Westcliff Girls 11 Plus Admissions Timeline


16 May 2023 

11+ registration opens

End of June 2023

11+ registration closes

23 September 2023 

11+ Exam Date 

31 October 2023 

Common Application Form (CAF) deadline

1 March 2024

National Offer Day 

Westcliff Girls 11 Plus Admissions Examination

The CSSE 11+ exam is a unique exam only used by schools in Essex. It consists of a maths paper and an English paper. The English paper tests comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, creative writing, verbal reasoning and literacy. The maths paper is based on the Key Stage 2 maths curriculum. If you are applying to more than one grammar school in Essex you only need to sit this exam once – the result will be used in the admissions process for both schools.

Sample test papers

The website of the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex has a wealth of resources and practice papers for the CSSE 11+ exam. There you will also find the marking scheme that is used as well as papers from past years.

The CSSE also provides a guide booklet with information on the 11+ and grammar school entry in Essex more generally.

Westcliff High School for Girls also organises 11+ familiarisation sessions for Year 5 boys and girls preparing to take the 11+ exam.

Additional information

  • Location: Westcliff High School for Girls is located in Westcliff-on-Sea in Essex, a little west of Southend-on-Sea. The Thames estuary is just to the south of the school. The school is located next to Westcliff High School for Boys, and the two schools share a canteen.
  • Boarding: Westcliff High School for Girls does not offer boarding, but it does operate a system of four houses, and students compete for their house in sports and other competitions.
  • Frequently asked questions

How do I apply?

You must register for the 11+ exam with the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex the summer before entry. After sitting the 11+ exam in September you must include Westcliff High School for Girls on the Common Application Form of your Local Authority.

My child is doing an 11+ test for another school. Will they still have to do the CSSE test for this school?

In order to apply, your child must sit the CSSE test. If you are also applying to a grammar school outside Essex that does not use the CSSE test, then you will have to sit both the CSSE test and the test used by that school. If you are applying to more than one grammar school in Essex you only have to sit the CSSE test once.

Can I visit Westcliff High School for Girls?

Due to Coronavirus restrictions it is not currently possible to visit the school, but you can take a virtual tour here.

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