Choosing a School for Your Child

Wallington County Grammar 11 Plus

wehIt might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the Wallington County Grammar 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Wallington County Grammar 11 Plus Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns. 


Wallington County Grammar School

Croydon Road, Wallington SM6 7PH 

 Wallington County Grammar School is a boys’ school founded in 1927, combining the best traditions with innovation to engage and inspire students to become the best version of themselves.Wallington County Grammar School’s motto is Per Ardua Ad Summa, “Through difficulty to The core values of Wallington County Grammar School are compassion, courage, commitment and creativity to achieve excellence. The school will often encourage students that they must have courage and never be afraid to fail, but to embrace failure, learn from their mistakes and improve themselves. The school believes that students must not only achieve academic success, but also enrich themselves as scholars, athletes, artists, musicians, actors, debaters and whatever else we want to do. In addition, students at Wallington County Grammar School have achieved the highest GCSE results of any secondary school in the country and have gained places at the world’s top universities.

School details:

County: London 

Admissions info: Email here 

School type: Grammar School for Boys 

Number of pupils: 885 

Number of places in Year 7: 150

Open Day date: July 2023 

11+ Exam date: September 2023

Exam type / Board: Part One, Selective Eligibility Test (SET), Part Two, Wallington County Grammar’s own 11 Plus 

A Brief Overview of Wallington County Grammar School and its Performance

With regard to eight qualifications, this score reflects the growth achieved by students at this school between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.

Wallington County Grammar School’s Progress 8 rating is 0.43.

The average rating for state-funded schools in the local authority (Sutton) is 0.34.

All state-funded schools in England had a -0.03 average score.

Attainment 8: 74.2 

In 2022 GCSEs, 75% of the students got 9-7. 

In 2022 A Levels, 63% got A*/A and 85% got A*/B. 

Wallington County Grammar 11 Plus Admissions Process: 2024 Entry

You must submit the online Registration Form found on this website in order for your kid to be eligible for a spot at Wallington County Grammar School starting in Year 7 in September 2023. The websites of Greenshaw High School, Nonsuch High School for Girls, Sutton Grammar School, Wallington High School for Girls, and Wilson’s School all provide access to this online registration form. There is no opportunity for testing abroad; your child must be present at one of the schools hosting the exam in order to take it. Greenshaw High School, Nonsuch High School for Girls, Sutton Grammar School, Wallington County Grammar School, Wallington High School for Girls, and Wilson’s School are the schools that will participate in the SET. The following schools will participate in Stage 2: Wilson’s School, Nonsuch High School for Girls, Sutton Grammar School, Wallington County Grammar School, and Wallington High School for Girls.

Wallington County Grammar 11 Plus Timeline: 2024 Entry

1 May 202311+ registration opens
4 August 2023 11+ registration closes
12 September 2023 11+ Exam Date 
30 September 2023Second Stage Exam 
31 October 2023 Common Application Form (CAF) deadline
1 March 2024National Offer Day 

Preparing for Wallington County Grammar 11+ Exam

There are two parts to the Wallington County Grammar School 11+ Exam. Together with other grammar schools in Sutton, this Selective Eligibility Test (SET) is administered. A boy’s eligibility for the second stage exam depends on the outcome of the SET.

First stage: Maths and English multiple-choice tests, each lasting around 45 minutes.

English and maths at stage two. These two are not multiple-choice questions. Questions in maths follow a regular style. The English paper is a writing assignment that calls for a response to a certain prompt.

Wallington County Grammar Sample Test Papers and Resources

Wallington County Grammar School is running Familiarisation Tests to provide Year 5 students the chance to understand what it’s like to take an 11+ admission exam. The tests are created to provide your child a learning opportunity and help them be ready for what to expect while taking actual admission examinations. All the exams are conducted at Wallington County Grammar School. There are no online exams. 

There are two distinct tests like the actual test. One English and one maths paper will make up Test A. There will be a distinct English and Math paper in Test B. Each of the English and Math exams will continue for 40 minutes, with a brief break in between.

Wallington County Grammar School will be holding morning and afternoon tests in 2023. You can access the dates below:


Saturday 13 May 2023 Book now 
Sunday 14 May 2023 Book now 
Saturday 20 May 2023Book now 
Sunday 21 May 2023Book now 
Saturday 3 June 2023 Book now 


Sunday 4 June 2023 Book now 
Saturday 24 June 2023 Book now 
Sunday 25 June 2023Book now 
Saturday 1 July 2023Book now 
Sunday 2 July 2023 Book now 

Additional Information about Wallington County Grammar School

The following Transfer to Secondary School Open Evening, for entrance into Year 7 in September 2024, will be placed on Thursday, July 6, 2023. The time of this event is from 3:30 to 8:00 p.m. (with last entry to the car park at 7.15pm and last entry via school gates at 7.30pm). Throughout the evening, lectures will be given by the Headmaster, the Head of Keystage 3, and some of our Year 7 pupils. Both this event and the talks are free to attend without a reservation.


Wallington County Grammar School FAQs

  • Who are the “participating Schools” in the Selective Eligibility Test?

Greenshaw High School, Nonsuch High School for Girls, Sutton Grammar School, Wallington County Grammar School, Wallington High School for Girls, and Wilson’s School are the “participating schools” in the Selective Eligibility Test (SET).

  • Do I also need to fill out a different form if I’m interested in a spot at one or more of the other participating schools?

No. The online Registration Form just has to be completed once. No matter how many of the participating institutions you are interested in, this is the situation.


You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

11 Plus Mock Exam 

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

11 plus Exam: Parental Guide For Grammar School Entry

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2022

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam


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