Choosing a School for Your Child

South Wilts Grammar 11 Plus

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for the South Wilts Grammar 11 Plus Exam? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “South Wilts Grammar 11 Plus Tips” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.


South Wilts Grammar School

South Wiltshire Grammar School Stratford Road, Salisbury SP1 3JJ

South Wilts Grammar School offers a high quality education with strong academic achievement. 2022 pupils’ progress at GCSE places the school in the top 5% nationally and in the top third of A Level schools. South Wilts Grammar School’s GCSE results in 2022 are the highest since the numerical grades 1 to 9 were put in place. Students can choose from 27 A Level / Level 3 qualifications, as well as a number of additional GCSE subjects such as Astronomy.South Wilts Grammar School is a thriving school where senior leaders expect high academic standards, while emphasising the personal development of students. Teachers are experts in their fields. They are passionate about their subjects and pass on this passion to their pupils. The pupils’ desire to learn contributes significantly to the success of the school. South Wilts Grammar School is not only focused on academic excellence but also helps pupils to become independent and resilient learners. Participation in a wide range of activities outside the classroom is actively encouraged and the school offers many enrichment opportunities in all subject areas, including international links.

School details:

County: Wiltshire

Admissions info: Email here

School type: Girls’ Grammar

Number of pupils: 996 

Number of places in Year 7: 160

Open Day date: June / July 2023 

Exam date: September 2023 

Exam type / Board: GL Assessment


A Brief Overview of South Wilts Grammar School and its Performance

The school’s progress 8 score is 0.58, which indicates the amount of progress made by pupils across 8 qualifications from the end of Key Stage 2 to the end of Key Stage 4. This score is higher than the average score of -0.05 for state-funded schools in the local authority of Wiltshire and higher than the average score of -0.03 for all state-funded schools in England.

Attainment 8: 77.5

At South Wilts, students achieved impressive results in 2022. 79% of GCSE grades were between 7 and 9, with 58% being graded 8 and 9, and 30% being a grade 9. The school’s value-added performance at GCSE was positive. At A Level, 72% of grades were A* to B, with 45% being A* to A and 18% being a grade A*.

At A Level, grades awarded were predominantly A* to B, with 45% at A* to A, and 18% graded A*. In the year 2022, a significant number of students continued their education at prestigious Russell Group universities. 

South Wilts Grammar 11 Plus Admissions Process: 2024 Entry

It is advisable to discuss with your child’s teacher to determine if the 11 plus and grammar school are suitable options before registering. The 11 plus exam is intended for identifying students who perform within the top 25% of their year group and is challenging. To enroll your daughter for the test, it is necessary to fill out a registration form, which will help the school manage the test and also be utilized for oversubscription criteria. The registration form will be accessible for online completion or download from the school website in June 2023.

Preparing for South Wilts Grammar 11 Plus Exam 2024 

Parents can help prepare their daughters for the South Wilts Grammar 11 Plus by:

Reading the article on verbal reasoning skills and the 11 Plus guide to maths on the school’s website

Improving their daughter’s performance through practice exams as part of their revision, regardless of their current level of attainment.

The eleven plus test for South Wilts Grammar School for Girls is composed of three sections: Mathematics, English, and Verbal Reasoning. The Maths paper lasts for 50 minutes and tests areas such as numbers, algebra, measures, shape and space, and data handling. The English paper, which lasts 45 minutes, may include questions on reading comprehension, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The Verbal Reasoning test lasts 50 minutes and contains questions that assess vocabulary, codes, word patterns, and other related topics. All three tests are in a multiple-choice format.


Timeline for South Wilts Grammar 11 Plus Exam 2024 

26th June, 3rd July, 6th July, 7th July and 12th July 2023Open day 
June 202311+ registration opens
1st September 202311+ registration closes
23rd September 202311+ Exam Date 
31 October 2023 Common Application Form (CAF) deadline
1 March 2024National Offer Day 

South Wilts Grammar School Sample Test Papers and Resources

2023 GL Verbal Reasoning Sample Test Papers

2023 GL English Sample Test Papers 

2023 GL Maths Sample Test Papers 

2023 GL Non-verbal Reasoning Sample Test Papers 

Practice for 2023-2024 11 Plus South Wilts Grammar School  

Additional Information about South Wilts Grammar School

South Wilts Girls’ School has spaces available for girls to join in Years 7 and 8. An entrance test can be taken for admission to these year groups for those who have not already applied. For more information, please contact the admissions office from here.

You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

11 Plus Mock Exam 

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

11 plus Exam: Parental Guide For Grammar School Entry

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2022

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam

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