Choosing a School for Your Child

Colyton Grammar School 11 Plus

It might be difficult to find your way around the 11 Plus the first time as a parent. How do you aid your kid in getting ready for Colyton Grammar School 11 Plus? What kind of exam structure is it? What stores sell test papers? We’ve provided parents with a “Colyton Grammar School 11 Plus” in this article that seeks to address all of your concerns.


Colyton Grammar School 11 Plus



Colyton Grammar School is a mixed-gender grammar school located in the village of Colyford in East Devon, England. The school has about 950 students from years 7 to 13 (ages 11 to 18). Ofsted has given Colyton Grammar School an ‘Outstanding’ rating in three successive reports. As a state-funded academy, Colyton Grammar School is also part of the South West Academic Trust. The school has an open campus style setting situated on a site of over 18 acres in Colyton.


11 Plus Colyton Grammar School: Academic Performance Guide


Colyton Grammar School, also known as CGS, has the reputation for high academic performance.  Of the 128 students who sat A-Levels this year, 92 per cent have achieved grades A* to B, with 73 percent awarded an A* or A and 45 per cent attaining A*. These results include those from the Extended Project.

Of the 128 students who sat A-Levels this year, 92 per cent have achieved grades A* to B, with 73 percent awarded an A* or A and 45 per cent attaining A*. These results include those from the Extended Project.

Students who studied for EDEXCEL Business sat the ‘old style’ GCSE and 100% achieved A* to A –.

Latest figures from the Department for Education (DfE) show that Colyton Grammar School is the best performing co-educational secondary school in England. Colyton Grammar School achieved a Progress 8 score of 1.01 in 2020, making it the highest Progress 8 scoring school in the South West – Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset. It also ranks the school in the top 1% of secondary schools in the UK.

Colyton Grammar School’s Performance Tables:

Source: Gov.uk (2019 results)

Colyton Grammar School’s Progress 8 score in 2019: 0.98

Entering EBacc: 90%

Attainment 8 score: 81.7

EBacc average point score: 7.83


Colyton Grammar School 11 Plus Admission Guide 2024


  • Address: Colyton Grammar School, Whitwell Lane, Colyford, Colyton, EX24 6HN
  • County: Devon
  • Ofsted rating: Outstanding, Read the full report
  • Admissions Info: admin@colytongrammar.devon.sch.uk, 01297 552327
  • School Type: Mixed-gender Grammar
  • Number of pupils: 954 (2020)
  • Number of Places in Year 7 (2024 entry): 155
  • Open Day Dates: Due to Covid-19 all Open Days have been cancelled. Further information will follow shortly.
  • 11+ registration open day: April 2023
  • Exam Date: September 2023
  • Exam Board Type: CEM (Cambridge Assessment)
  • 11+ exam format: Verbal Reasoning (including comprehension), Non- Verbal Reasoning,                  Numerical Reasoning (Maths) and creative writing paper set by school (20 minutes).


Colyton Grammar School 11 Plus Admission Procedure 2024

Colyton Grammar School is a Selective Co-educational Academy, responsible for its testing arrangements and admission criteria.

Any applicant achieving an eligible score is considered for entry. There may be more children with eligible scores than places available.

Year 7 September 2022 entry – Applications for 11+ registration will open on 01 April 2021. The application round is now open. Click here to apply.

Parents must register with the school for testing and apply, using a Common Application Form (CAF), to their home Local Authority, where the child lives, for a place at the school.

How Does the Common Application Process Work?

The Common Application Process has two stages: Ranking Stage and Allocation Stage

11 Plus The Ranking Stage

1. When you complete the Common Application Form you will be asked to rank your preferred schools in the order of your preference (most Local Authorities ask for three preferences; some allow more).

2. The Local Authority must consider each expressed preference equally, regardless of whether the school was placed first, second, third etc.

When you complete the Common Application Form you will be asked to rank your preferred schools in the order of your preference (most Local Authorities ask for three preferences; some allow more).

The Local Authority must consider each expressed preference equally, regardless of whether the school was placed first, second, third etc.

This means that for every school named on the form the child is ranked against others applying by the application of the published Admissions Priority criteria.

11 Plus The Allocation Stage

1. Allocation of school is made by the Local Authority up to the prescribed number of places available at each individual school. The places are allocated in the order that children appear on the eligible list.

2. If a child is on the eligible list for one or more schools, then the child is allocated to the school for which the parent expressed the highest preference.

3. If the child is not on the eligible list of a ‘preferred’ school, then the child will be placed by the Local Authority at the nearest appropriate school with a place available.

4. The Local Authority will post notification of allocation on 01 March (those who applied by online application will usually receive the decision by email by the same date).

Read more: details about Colyton Grammar School applications

Colyton Grammar School Admissions Criteria

Colyton Grammar School’s Published Admission Number (PAN) is 155 for 2022 Year 7 entry.  Entry is determined by performance in the selection tests. Applicants achieving eligible scores are ranked based on performance in the tests, i.e., the eligible list. These children are eligible to be admitted. Children achieving eligible scores who have an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school will be admitted.

Admission Procedure Dates:

  • 1st April 2023 — Registration opens for the 11+ entry exams.
  • Friday 8th September Midday – Deadline for application for 11+ testing
  • 31st October 2021 (11:59pm) — Closing date to apply to the school for September 2022 entry.
  • Open Days:Thursday 20th April  2023 10.00am and 2.00pmWednesday 26th April 2023 10.00am 

    Monday 10th July 2023 2.00pm 

    Friday 14th July  2023 10.00am 

    Thursday 7th September 2023 10.00am

  • Saturday 23rd September 2023 – 11+ entry exam dates.
  • 1st March 2024 — National offer day.

Read the full admission policy:

Colyton Grammar School Admission Policy 2022


Colyton Grammar School’s 11 Plus Exam Info


The Colyton Grammar School 11 Plus exam is set by CEM and is multiple choice. The CEM tests are based on reasoning skills, not topic-based knowledge. However, if you have not already looked at the test familiarisation material available on our web site, we would recommend that you do go through it with your child before the test day. Understanding how the answer sheet is completed and getting used to the idea of working under time constraints will help to reassure your child in preparation for the test.


Colyton Grammar School’s 11+ exam dates:

Colyton Grammar School’s 11+ exams will be held on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September 2021

How to Prepare for Colyton Grammar School’s 11 Plus Exam: A Guide to Parents

Colyton Grammar School’s 11+ Exam consists of two papers that last 50 minutes each. Both are multiple choice and split into various timed sections with a break between the two tests.

The test formats:

Verbal ability (verbal reasoning, vocabulary, comprehension)

  • Non-verbal ability (shapes and objects).
  • Numerical ability (maths and problem solving)
  • English paper, which lasts for 20 minutes. The paper normally tests creative writing ability and is marked separately by the school.

Top 3 Advices on How to Prepare Colyton Grammar School’s 11+ Exam

1. Understand what CEM exam is all about

Colyton Grammar School’s 11+ exam is set by CEM, which mainly covers non-verbal reasoning and verbal reasoning, and it combines English skills and English-related questions into the verbal reasoning paper. CEM also sometimes calls the maths paper numerical reasoning.

2. Practice with CEM familiarisation papers

Unfortunately, CEM is much more unpredictable. The exact format varies from year to year quite significantly, and CEM is particularly careful not to publish too many past papers online to make the test fairer for all pupils. However, schools sometimes release information about the format in advance, so it’s well worth parents contacting them to see if they can give some more guidance.

3. Do more time-pressured practices

As the number of sections in the CEM exam varies, it is also important that students read the time recommendations in the instructions carefully so that they spend adequate time on each part of the test. The CEM exam is much more time-pressured; for example, one past paper CEM test only gave pupils 15 minutes to answer 25 maths questions and 15 minutes to answer 60 verbal reasoning questions. As a result, on average, far fewer students manage to finish the test then GL assessment.

This article about Top 10 Tips to Pass the 11+ Exam will give you some ideas on how to prepare your child for Colyton Grammar School’s 11 plus exam. Here are also some Free 11+ Resources for CEM Assessment for your girl to practice. While it is recommended to start KS2 revision and 11+ preparation early, if your girl has left it late to begin, here is A Six Month Countdown Plan for 11+ Preparation written by an independent school teacher.


Colyton Grammar School’s 11+ Test Papers

As the tests are set by the school, there are not many revision resources available. This is done purposefully to ensure that all candidates have a fair chance in the exam.

The content of the Maths and English tests is based fully on the Key Stage 2 curriculum.

These familiarisation booklet and the accompanying guides for Colyton Grammar School are designed to inform parents and candidates about the entrance test :







FAQ about Colyton Grammar School


What’s Colyton Grammar School’s Ofsted rating?

The school has an Ofsted rating of “Outstanding”


What is Colyton Grammar School’s school fee?

Colyton Grammar School is a state-funded selective grammar school, it is not a fee-paying school. Therefore, it is free for your girl to attend this school.


What is Colyton Grammar School’s catchment area?

Colyton Grammar School does not have the requirement for catchment area.


Does Colyton Grammar School offer boarding options?

This school does not offer boarding facilities.


What is the 11 plus exam pass mark for Colyton Grammar School?

The Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) designs the mark scheme for their papers. All marks are ‘standardised’, according to the age in years and months of the applicant, to produce a final score. Standardising scores on the basis of age means that there is no fixed raw mark total for qualification as the number of correct answers required will vary according to the child’s age.

You can also access further 11 plus exam resources below:

Best Private Schools in the UK: Top 100 List

Best Grammar Schools in the UK: Top 100 List 

A Guide to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests

11+ Maths Exam: Helping Your Child to Prepare and Pass in 2022

Meet the 11+ Online Tutors Delivering Results

When Should you Start to Prepare Your Child for the 11 Plus Exam


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